Soothing Vapours
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IT'S HERE (soon)! The fabulous YLL Angus Enhanced dry herb vape!!

Soothing Vapours
$15 flat rate shipping

IT'S HERE (soon)! The fabulous YLL Angus Enhanced dry herb vape!!

Which Vaporizer Is the Right One for Me?


Selecting the right vaporizer for your needs and preferences can be a daunting task. There are just SO many choices and they all have different prices and features. Your vaporizer is an investment in your health and there are a lot of factors to consider. It is important to be aware that all vaporizers have a lifetime, particularly the battery powered vapes. The best way of finding the most appropriate vaporizer for you is to consider your circumstances.

What form of cnnabis are you intending to vape?

Dry herb, oil and concentrate vaporizers generally use quite different equipment. Some vapes advertise themselves as multifunction, but you might find that these have trouble living up to the claim. A vape that is designed for one specific role will generally work best.

Will you be vaping inside or outside of your home?

If you only plan to enjoy vaping your herb at home, a desktop vaporizer might be the perfect choice. Desktop models are often more powerful and capable of producing thicker vapour.

If you plan to consume your herb outdoors, you will likely prefer a portable vaporizer. These vaporizers are smaller and lighter in weight for easy carrying. Portables also offer a high level of efficiency and get the most value from the herb you have purchased.

Will you be vaping in public?

In this case discretion, smaller size and good battery life are all important.

How much money are you able to invest in a vaporizer? Better features generally cost more money. But there ARE value models that are very effective with great features. Discuss benefits and various features…battery life, build quality, conduction/convection/ options.

How much time are you interested in learning how to use your vaporizer properly?

Some vaporizers have a learning curve and require some trial and error to get your best results.

What accessories will you need to ensure a quality vaping session and a happy home?

Grinders are required to prepare your herb for vaping. Dry Herb Grinder 4-Piece or Dry Herb Grinder (Handle Operated)

A small scoop will help you transfer the ground herb from the grinder to your vaporizer. This also gives some control over dose control. We love the Mini-Measuring Spoons in our store; really easy to use and useful for all sort of different purposes.

 Storage devices such as our air-tight ‘Mylar Bags’ will stop odours from bothering other members of your household and avoid raising unwelcome attention. Some strains of herb (and equipment after use) can be quite pungent!

Humidity control devices such as our excellent Integra ‘Boost’ packs will keep your herb at the ideal humidity to preserve its goodness and prevent the growth of fungus/moulds.

A carrying case will keep all your bits and bobs together in one place (don’t know about you but I spend about half my life looking for things I’ve misplaced!). I use my odour-proof Mylar storage bags for this.

A cleaning kit is handy for keeping your vaporizer in tip-top operating condition.

Soothing Vapours was started to address the needs of people new to, or returning to, cannabis. Our goal is to demystify the process of finding you the right vaporizer for your personal needs and circumstances.  If you have ANY questions relating to vaporizing or cannabis, we will do our absolute best to ensure that you get an accurate answer to your query. Please feel free to contact us if you run into any issues.

Happy vaping, my friend!


Copyright 2018 Soothing Vapours - All products shown are intended for medical or aromatherapy purposes only.